
Friday, July 18, 2014

Favorite Drinks

I was never a big soda drinker so finding things to drink that would be "okay" for my Hidradenitis Suppurativa did not seem too challenging.  However, I thought it may be helpful to list my favorite drinks.

#1.  Water!  I drink a lot of water.  I believe it is very important to stay hydrated.  Some HS sufferers actually notice a correlation between dehydration and flare-ups.  We have all heard that water helps get rid of toxins in our body so drink up.

#2.  Chia Water!  I have fallen in love with Chia water.  Let me explain why.  Chia seeds have so many health benefits.  Chia seeds are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3 fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory and may help reduce the risk of several diseases.  Chia seeds are also a great source of protein and help stabilize blood glucose levels.  They are rich in antioxidants that help protect our bodies from free radicals.  Chia seed water is an excellent cleansing, detox drink.

1 tsp. Chia Seeds
Juice of 1 lemon or lime

  • Mix together juice of lemon or lime, chia seeds and water.  Let sit for at least 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to create a gelatinous effect.  

#3. Green Tea!  Green tea is a very powerful antioxidant which has so many health benefits.  One of the most potent compounds of green tea is something called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG).  Studies suggest EGCG may have potential benefits to skin health Research has also proven that the polyphenols in green tea fight against harmful bacteria that have been found in Hidradenitis Suppurativa flare-ups.  

***When I was first diagnosed with HS I was drinking a TON of green tea.  I started getting really bad headaches.  Sometimes you learn the hard way!  I was drinking way too much caffeine.  Now I drink a green tea (with caffeine) in the morning.  When I drink additional cups of green tea, I make sure they are decaffeinated.  

#4.  Red Wine!  Yes, I do indulge.  Okay, lets use caution here.  Remember, it is important to stay hydrated!  Studies have shown that in moderation inflammatory molecules have been lowered with the consumption of red wine.  Red wine contains antioxidants due to the polyphenols from grapes; however, you can get the same antioxidant effects from eating blueberries.  So, please do not start drinking red wine if this is not something you currently enjoy.  I should also caution that alcohol seems to be a "trigger" for some HS sufferers.  

#5.  Coffee!  I drink coffee every single morning, black.  Good or bad, I do make sure to drink plenty of water throughout my day to rehydrate.  Coffee is another drink that is loaded with antioxidants.  Believe it or not there are nutrients in coffee such as riboflavin, manganese, and magnesium.  Once again, I am not promoting coffee!  I am simply letting you know that I drink coffee daily, but keep my body hydrated and it has not posed a problem for my Hidradenitis Suppurativa.  

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