
Monday, August 11, 2014

Spinach and Quinoa Scramble

On the weekends, I thoroughly enjoy cooking breakfast and sitting outside on my patio while drinking my morning green tea.  It is a perfect way to start my morning.  Here is a spinach, mushroom and quinoa scramble that I made over the weekend.

1/2 cup cooked quinoa
3 eggs
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 cup spinach
1 bell pepper (any color), chopped
1/2 cup Portobello mushrooms
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp. basil
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. pepper

  • Cook quinoa according to package.
  • In a skillet, add olive oil, garlic, bell pepper, and mushrooms and cook on medium heat until tender.  Meanwhile, in a separate bowl mix together eggs, spinach, quinoa, basil, garlic salt and pepper.  
  • Combine all ingredients and cook in skillet until eggs are omelet style and cooked thoroughly.  

Quinoa: Quinoa is high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and minerals such as manganese and magnesium.  The anti-inflammatory properties in quinoa make it beneficial in disease treatment and prevention.  Quinoa is a complete source of protein containing all nine essential amino acids.

Eggs:  In moderation, eggs are a great source of protein.  They contain vitamins such as vitamin A and a B-complex vitamin called choline which had anti-inflammatory properties.  Stick with organic eggs.  

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:  Extra virgin olive oils have a phytonutrient called oleocanthal.  Studies have shown this natural phenolic compound reduces inflammation.  Extra virgin olive oils are also rich in antioxidants.

Spinach:  Spinach contains flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-cancerous properties.  Spinach is also a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as A, K, magnesium, folate and potassium to name a few.  

Bell Peppers: Bell peppers contain capsaicin which have antibacterial properties.  Bell peppers are also loaded with antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps boost the immune system and helps remove free radicals from the body.  

Portobello Mushrooms:  Mushrooms are a good source of fiber which help control blood insulin levels.  Mushrooms contain a high concentration of ergothioneine which is an anti-inflammatory.  

Garlic: Garlic is another superfood that lowers blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar.  Garlic also protects the liver and contains anti-tumor properties.  It has the ability of boosting the lymphatic system which functions as a defense in the immune system.  Garlic also reduces joint swelling and inflammation.

Basil:  Basil is known to reduce inflammation and swelling.  It contains an oil eugenol which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.  Basil is also rich in antioxidants which help support the immune system.


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