
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goji Berries

Have you ever considered incorporating goji berries into your diet?  If you are not sensitive to nightshades, this berry could offer you some great health benefits.  As a Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferer, I have learned that adding anti-inflammatory foods to my diet has been very beneficial (read my HS Story for more information).  Goji berries contain anti-inflammatory properties along with being a powerful antioxidant which can help fight disease.  Goji berries are also high in fiber and a great source of protein.  They are a good source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B2, and contain all essential amino acids.

Goji Berries

Early research studies have found goji berry juice to benefit quality of sleep, happiness, calmness and digestion.  Other research suggests that this berry may slow down the growth of cancer cells. Research studies are underway with hopes of adding many more health benefits of goji berries.  A great way to enjoy goji berries is by adding a teaspoon  or two to your salads.

A note of caution, adverse reactions have been reported for individuals taking the blood thinner medication warfarin and other medications related to blood pressure.  Talk with your doctor before eating these berries.


  1. Hi Amy, I also have HS. I was diagnosed in May and I started the AIP protocol in September. It has gotten much better but it still not in remission. So you are not sensitive to nightshades? Interesting. Have you noticed intolerance to salicylates for any chance? I'm allergic to aspirin and I just found out that foods with salicylates also triggers my HS. I also have a blog on my experience with HS although it is in Spanish Best.

    1. Hi Mara, I have heard great things about the AIP protocol. I am happy to hear that your HS has gotten better since you started this. Keep me posted on your progress. It may take time.
      Regarding nightshades, what seems to be triggers for one HS sufferer is not a trigger for another. It is so frustrating that we all react different :( I guess that is why doctors find it so hard to find out what causes this and how to put it into remission. No, I do not have sensitivity to salicylates. Once again, what may be a trigger for one not a trigger for another.
      I know that HS can be a major battle. Please let me know if I can help you in any way!
