
My HS Story

I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa in January 2013.  My first flare-up was under my right armpit.  I went to the dermatologist thinking it was a boil that could simply be lanced.  I was devastated when the dermatologist told me I had a non-curable skin disease.  He immediately put me on antibiotics and told me that whenever I had a flare-up, I would be put on another round of antibiotics.  My mom is a nurse and one thing she taught me was repeated exposure to antibiotics would eventually cause antibiotic resistance.  Depending on antibiotics the rest of my life and possibly becoming antibiotic resistant was not an option!  Not to mention, the dermatologist also wanted to put me on Spironolactone; however, after I did my research I decided against this as well.  Feeling completely hopeless, I decided to get a second opinion.  Sure enough, I was diagnosed again with Hidradenitis Suppurativa.  I told my dermatologist that taking antibiotics orally the rest of my life scared me to death and wanted to know if there were other preventative options.  Unfortunately, I was not given any preventative options because Hidradenitis Suppurativa is not very common and everyone seems to have different 'triggers' to flare-ups.  My dermatologist gave me a prescription for a clindamycin gel to place in the are of infection twice a day.  Once the area healed, I was told to continue using the clindamycin gel on a daily basis as a preventative measure.  She also instructed to use an over-the-counter body wash with 5% benzoyl peroxide.  It took about two weeks for the area to heal with the use of my oral antibiotic, the clindamycin gel and the benzoyl peroxide body wash.

After experiencing the extreme pain and many different emotions from my Hidradenitis flare-up, I started doing my own research.  Hearing that there was no cure, all I wanted to do was find some sort of preventative measure!  The most frustrating part about being diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa was trying to understand what causes this disease.  I was told that genetics, cigarette smoking and excessive weight all played a role.  To my knowledge, I am the first person in my family to be diagnosed, I never smoked a cigarette a day in my life and I do not carry excessive weight.  So what caused this?  The only way I could attempt to make sense out of this was in one word......INFLAMMATION!

Inflammation occurs as our body's attempt to protect us.  If there is something harmful in our body, the body responds by trying to remove it.  Inflammation is simply part of our body's immune response.  In my mind, it made perfect sense to figure out what my body was trying to get rid of.  I am sure you have all heard the saying 'you are what you eat'.  Two days after I was diagnosed, I stumbled upon the ebook Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure by Therese Wilson, which changed my life!  Therese Wilson is a Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferer that spent years dealing with flare-ups, but when she stopped eating certain foods and changed her diet she was able to put her HS into remission.  I decided in that moment that I was going to try to change my diet and see if it made a difference for me.  Guess what? It did!  I can happily say that I have not had a flare-up since January 2013.  With my diet change, I stay focused on anti-inflammatory foods and foods that boost your immune system.

Research proves, there are certain foods which cause inflammation that you should completely avoid.  To name a few, you should avoid refined sugar, processed foods, fried foods, and preservatives.  There are also foods that are considered anti-inflammatory.  Again, these are the foods I focus on such as garlic, nuts, beans, salmon and spinach.

The most frustrating part of Hidradenitis Suppurativa is finding out that what works for one sufferer does not necessarily work for another.  For me, changing my diet has made all the difference in the world.  So, I have compiled several recipes which I consider to be my Hidradenitis Superfoods.  My plan is to post the entire book of recipes; however, I am still working on it.  In the meantime, I will post a few recipes for you to try with other tips and tricks that have helped my Hidradenitis Suppurativa.  Who knows, maybe the things that have helped me will help you too!

Please join me through this healing journey!


  1. I am so sorry that you have HS, but congratulations on being flare free for over a year! That's absolutely amazing! After endless research for years. I have had symptoms similar to HS for over 6 years now. And this is the closest I have come to diagnosing myself because every doctor I see, has no idea what my flares are. They always says they are cysts, but they are way worse. Do you know if its possible to have HS if you get flares on your face too? Also did you doctor know instantly that you had HS or did your doctor conduct a test on you that confirmed your results that you had HS?


    1. Hi Kristin! Prior to seeing my general practitioner, I went to the Dermatologist. My 1st Dermatologist knew what it was immediately. I even went to a 2nd Dermatologist to get a 2nd opinion and sure enough.... I then went to my general practitioner to get blood work done and make sure nothing else was going on.
      I don't think it is possible to have HS on your face because research suggest it is related to apocrine follicles which are not found on the face, However, in my adult life I never had "acne", but I did have boil like pimples. It was not the typical zit. Who knows, maybe it is related.
      I hope you find out what is going on with you soon! The sooner you know, the sooner you can start to manage it. Good luck and keep me posted!

    2. actually is very related, same here, never had typical acne, always a boil like or cystic type acne...HS is a life changing disease, i finally now at 50 realize how it has affected everything I have done in my life and I have suffered since the age of 17...mine is getting worse with age and Im seeing a specialist soon, but im gonna try these super foods also in the mean is a rare opportunity to be able to share HS with anyone.

    3. My 28 year old son has HS and he had two cysts on his face at different times, so it is possible, at least for men.

  2. Thanks so much for your response. Yeah I have been to countless number on dermatologists, who all seem clueless in my opinion. So I moved on to a holistic doctor to try to heal myself internally with whatever is going on. I love your blog and all the nutritional facts and recipes! Thanks for your help and I will keep you posted.

  3. Hey - just wanted to post something here. I have had HS since i was 10 - im soon 27. It started in my groin area but i have had multiple surgeries on my face because they end up there too, so it is definitely possible.

  4. Hi Patti! I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling and feeling depressed. As you know, this is a normal feeling with HS and I will absolutely pray for you! Keep me posted with your progress!

  5. Hi my friend! I tried texting you to reach out, but am guessing you have a new number. I was just diagnosed yesterday with HS. Can you believe that?? My left axilla. Hurts horribly...Anyway, I was reaching out to you for help and advice... Miss you!

  6. Thank you so much for your blog. I am a 37 yr old mom with my second round of HS, trying to avoid surgery again. Aip diet is hard for me to manage, but your diet seems close to what I am trying to do. Your recipes are simple and tasty-thank you! I appreciate the posts on stress relief and organization. Your blog seems to hit home for me. Praying for some relief changing my diet more, and one day at a time. Bless you for your work. I will keep following, Michelle

  7. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm sorry you are struggling with a second flare up :( Keep me posted on your diet changes! I will be thinking about you!

  8. Hi Amy! My name is Nick. Thank you for posting this. I am wondering how your progress is going with your diet and being in remission. I too am going to start on a diet to figure out my trigger foods. I was really depressed about my future but reading this has given me much needed optimism. Please get back to me

    1. Hi Nick! I am happy to report that I have not had a flare up since January 2013 (ever since I changed my diet). If you are willing to put in the effort, I believe it is life changing! I am happy to hear that you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel! Keep me posted on your progress!!

  9. Thank u for this blog... I have been suffering with HS for 7 1/2 yrs now... Got my first one when i was pregnant with my daughter... I've had 2 sugeries since then under both my armpits, I've been on several different medications... They seem to subside with birth control but when they do come back its 10x worst then the last one. As i type this i can barely put my arm down... It's completely inflamed... This is the second flare up in 2 months... I've tried so many things, diets, exercise... Nithings really working for me at this point.

    1. Hi! I'm sorry you are going through this horrible disease! I hate finding out what works for one individual may or may not work for another. It is so frustrating. I hope you find something to ease your suffering. Have you ever tried an antibiotic gel? I apply a gel under my arms and around the groin area daily. It is part of my daily preventive routine. I try to avoid taking any medications if possible. I focus more on supplements, clean eating and the antibiotic gel along with a 5% benzoyl peroxide rinse. Please let me know if I can help in any way!

  10. I'm so happy I found this blog! I have been suffering for many years and right now I have a flare up on my left inner thigh. I'm in agony. I will definitely be trying the elimination diet!

  11. Earlier today as my oldest daughter watched me try to do the "simple" task of putting on my shirt she did some research and found your blog. I have been suffering with this since i was 20 (big 37 now). Right now I have 1 under each arm.
    Cant wait to try your recipes! They sound delish! Even if it just helps a little that is better than nothing!
    Thank you so much for sharing. Tonight i am making the ginger slaw!

  12. Hi Britney! I hope you enjoyed the ginger slaw :) Keep me posted with your progress!

  13. HS here since about 1970!
    After all these years, I have discovered a few things that have made a dramatic difference for me. Whenever I have one starting up, I apply zinc baby diaper rash ointment right away. It either takes it down or heals much faster.
    I have also improved with a zinc supplement and avoiding brewers yeast products. No B vitamin supplements, which were giving me anxiety as well.
    Hope this might help someone, as mine is very much under control for the time being.
