
What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa, also known as acne inversa, is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory follicular skin disease.  It is characterized by inflammation of the apocrine follicles that can be found under the arms (armpit), groin area and under the breasts.  However, other areas of the body may be affected.  Hidradenitis Suppurativa usually produces noncontagious, painful boil-like lesions which can enlarge, form tunnel-like tracts, drain pus and create scarring.  This condition may have periods of flare-ups and inflammation and/or years of remission.  While there is no cure for Hidradenitis Suppurativa there are some treatments which are very important in the early diagnoses stages.  Without treatment, Hidradenitis Suppurativa can progress.  Unfortunately, there is not one specific treatment that has been proven effective for all patients.  Management of this chronic condition must be individualized depending on the type of lesion, the stage of the disease and any previous successful treatments.   If you believe you have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, it is very important to see your doctor immediately.

There are several success stories out there which indicate changing your diet can put you into years of remission.  Remember there is no guarantee that changing your diet and restricting specific foods will improve symptoms; however, it is worth investigating what works best for you.  Some of these diets include:
  • The Paleo Diet
  • Autoimmune Protocal
  • Elimination Diet
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  • Glycemic Index Diet
The recipes I post in this blog are what works specifically for me.  There are a lot of alternatives out there.  Different things work for different people!  I would love to hear your stories of success and what has worked for you! 


  1. Thank you for following me on Twitter. Thank you for this Blog. HS is curable if we all work together to find commanalities. I pray for your healing. Love, light and light Queen. #fightlikeagirl

    1. Hi Leia! Thank you for your comment! I agree, we can all work together to spread awareness!

  2. OMG, I am SO happy to have found your blog! I am even happier that you actually update your blog (on a pretty regular basis). Please keep posting.
