
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Organize, Organize, Organize...

I was reading an article recently about not being organized or the lack of a clean environment and the affect it can have on us.  Did you know that being organized can not only improve your mental health it can also improve your physical health?  If you think about it, this makes perfect sense!  If your home is cluttered or your 'To-Do' list keeps growing without accomplishment, this leads to exhaustion and higher stress.  In fact, research suggests that a cluttered home or feeling unorganized leads to higher levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone!  This alone can affect your sleep, your mood, and your health!  As Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers, anything we can do to decrease our stress levels will help.

My husband and I recently moved and we all know how quickly things begin to pile up and the 'To-Do' list continues to grow while trying to get organized and balance our everyday lives.  I have finally began to regain order and thought I would share some of my progress with you.

I am so excited about all my drawer dividers.  I made these out of foam board and cabinet shelf adhesive paper.  I then went on Pinterest and found ways to fold socks, pants, etc. to create more space in a drawer.

For my linen closet, I used baskets and made labels.  I love that everything has a place!  

An organized kitchen is crucial for me, since eating healthy is such a big piece of staying flare-up free.  I made some more dividers for my spice drawer and made some sticky labels for the spices.  

Organize, Organize, Organize...

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