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Hi! My name is Amy. I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa in January 2013. I am not an expert when it comes to Hidradenitis Suppurativa; however, I have found a way to put my HS in remission. I must stress this is what has worked for me and I understand each individual is different. My hope is to share my experiences with you to see if I can help you begin the healing process and put your HS in remission! Click on My Hidradenitis Suppurativa Story to learn more.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Trigger Foods

This post correlates very closely with the Elimination Diet post.  If you have not read the elimination diet post, it may help this post make more sense. 

Many Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers have found that certain foods have caused them to flare-up or not heal as quickly.  These are referred to as "trigger" foods.  I have joined several online HS support groups and asked the members to share with me their trigger foods.  Keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to food and just because it is a trigger food for one person does not mean it will be a trigger food for you.  Well here we go....

  • Refined Sugar (this seems to be very common)
    • High fructose corn syrup
    • Cupcakes
    • Girl scout cookies
    • Candy
    • Sodas
    • Pastries, cakes, cookies, etc
  • "Bad Carbohydrates" ~ all carbohydrates break down into glucose (sugar) and increase our blood sugar levels.  However, what is important is not all carbohydrates are treated equally.  Some carbohydrates will break down fast releasing glucose into the bloodstream causing a spike in our blood sugar which causes many health risks along with inflammation in the body.  When you consume the "good" carbohydrates, they break down much slower and release glucose at a much slower pace allowing our bodies to adequately use the glucose for fuel and not causing a quick insulin spike. 
    • White rice
    • White bread
    • White tortillas
    • White flour (pizza doe, anything made with white flour)
    • White pastas
    • Baked goods
  • Dairy
    • Cheese
    • Milk
    • Ice-cream
    • Yogurt
    • Eggs (not really dairy)
  • Gluten
    • Bran
    • Barley
    • Rye
    • Wheat
    • Orzo
  • Nightshades
    • Bell Peppers (some individuals stated it was only 1 color such as green or red)
    • Tomatoes
    • Eggplant
    • Potatoes
    • Tobacco
    • Cayenne spice
    • Paprika spice
    • Jalapeno pepper
  • Excessive Caffeine
    • Coffee
  • Fast Food
  • Chocolate
  • Soy
  • Brewers Yeast
  • Onions
  • Salt
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Watermelon

Other triggers that were mentioned, not food related, stress, humidity, and heat!  

I can't stress enough how everyone is so different.  One of the people that posted said they can't have red bell peppers, but could eat green bell peppers.  A different post came from a totally different person where they can't have green bell peppers, but can have the other colors of bell peppers.  I was shocked to see watermelon on the list.  The point is, we all react differently to food.  If you want to isolate your food trigger, take a look at the elimination diet.  This is just one way to do it.  Another person that responded to my post recommended a book called The Plan.  She is the one that said watermelon was her trigger food.  Who knew?


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